GFT Token

Road Map

First Quarter of 2022

Preliminary Sales (3 Phases)

3 phases of preliminary sales are planned to be realized in 15-day periods. Current sale prices may be followed from the website and social media accounts.

Token Distribution and Pancakeswap Listing

After preliminary sales, all users will be presented with an option to either transfer the GFT Tokens that they bought to their wallets or participate in the Stake Bonus Program. Moreover, transaction tax will be determined as 15% for the first period of 2 months for pancake swap sales, and then taxes will be lowered gradually. It is aimed to prevent the impact of inflation in this way. As per their preference, the users will be able to make a transfer to the wallet address they entered in the system; on the other hand, those who opt for staking will be able to participate in the Stake Bonus Program.

Airdrop Task Program Announcement and Airdrop Program

Airdrop program has been planned in a way to ensure earning bonuses by monitoring social media accounts with like and follow tasks for the purpose of promotion and widespread circulation of GFT Token. It is possible to earn extra airdrops by inviting other people via reference management.

Being Listed in a New Cryptocurrency Exchange

GFT Token purchase and sale transactions will be started in a cryptocurrency exchange.

A New Mobile Game Will Be Launched

A mobile game is being prepared by the developers of GFT and it is planned to be easily accessible for people in all application stores. Thanks to this game, users will be able to both earn GFT Tokens and purchase content. Moreover, the tournament and rewards will also be organized over these games.

Second Quarter of 2022

Online Chess Tournaments with GFT Bonuses

Events and tournaments will be organized in online chess platforms. The tournaments are planned to be broadcast live so that everybody can watch. Players who become successful in these tournaments will be provided with rewards. The number of players who will earn rewards may vary according to the scope and number of participants of the tournament.

Announcement about GAME ARENA’s Architecture

“GAME ARENA” is an architectural platform where international e-sportspersons and e-sports clubs may participate in events together, organize tournaments and where many events that may attract the audience may be held in practical terms. E-sports competitions, stadium and architectural structure will be prepared in virtual environment and presented to GFT investors and followers.

Announcement on GAME FEDERATION’s Player License

Within the body of Game Federation, memberships and licenses will be granted not only to companies and organizations, but also to players. They will be provided with universally valid documents that will allow for their participation in, or preparation of, events as well as for their participation as observers to such activities, and their applications will be accepted in this regard.

Third Quarter of 2022

Acceptance of Official Memberships to GAME FEDERATION

Privileged and comprehensive consultancy and memberships will start in Game Federation.

Organization of Tournaments for Sponsored Online Games

Online tournaments will be organized with gifts of GFT token or digital products for many popular online games and it will be ensured that these tournaments will be followed by everyone willing to do so.

Announcement on Partner and Sponsor Companies of GAME ARENA

Agreements with the companies which become partners with Game Arena during its establishment phase and which may sponsor and organize events in their own discretion, will be published.

Being Listed in a New Cryptocurrency Exchange

GFT Token purchase and sale transactions will be started in a cryptocurrency exchange.

Fourth Quarter of 2022
Announcement on New GAME FEDERATION’s Mobile Game

A mobile game is being prepared by the developers of GFT and it is planned to be easily accessible for people in all application stores. Thanks to this game, users will be able to both earn GFT Tokens and purchase content. Moreover, the tournament and rewards will also be organized over these games.

Announcement on the Commencement of Organizing Regular Tournaments

It is planned to organize events and tournaments on GAME ARENA regularly, on a weekly and monthly basis. Only members and clubs of the federation will be allowed to participate in regular tournaments.

New Player and Competitor Forum Website

GAME FEDERATION forum website will be established to allow e-sportspersons, clubs and game fans to share their views. GAME FEDERATION forum website will be a platform where members will gather to share their knowledge, experiences, mistakes and deficiencies by writing comments under the relevant topic.

PUBG Tournament with Rewards

Before the tournament, the details regarding PUBG Mobile and PUBG MOBILE Global Championship (PMGC) that will be organized by GAME FEDERATION will be announced from the website and social media accounts. Having utmost importance, this event will be held in the fourth quarter of 2022 with participation of professional teams and players and will provide the opportunity to the fans of this game and the players to watch this PUBG MOBILE competition at its highest level. Those who are entitled to participate in the tournament will compete to be the best team or player and will earn big rewards.

CS:GO Tournament with Rewards

Before the tournament, the details regarding CS:GO and CS:GO Global Championship (CGGC) that will be organized by GAME FEDERATION will be announced from the website and social media accounts. Having utmost importance, this event will be held in the fourth quarter of 2022 with participation of professional teams and players and will provide the opportunity to the fans of this game and the players to watch this CS:GO competition at its highest level. Those who are entitled to participate in the tournament will compete to be the best team or player and will earn big rewards.

Announcement on the New Mobile Application Exclusive to Players

GFT Mobile App to be provided for use of players and game fans, is a comprehensive mobile application where players may be able to present their own score boards, favorite games, medals or cup levels for the liking of every other person and where they may be able to present and save several of their successes. GFT Mobile App will be offered in a way to be available for constant improvement.

First Quarter of 2023

Organization of Tournaments for Social Responsibility Projects

Tournaments will be organized by GAME FEDERATION to support social responsibility projects. Income from these tournaments. It will be given as support to foundations and associations that carry out activities to help people with disabilities, patients, people in need of care and assistance, and stray animals.

Establishment of New Player Clubs by GAME FEDERATION and Acceptance of Applications

Activities will be initiated on GAME FEDERATION to establish new player clubs. Applications will be accepted for participation in these clubs on certain conditions, organization of events and establishment of an inter-club competition board.

Inter-club Tournaments with Rewards

On Game Federation, tournaments and competitions will be held with rewards of GFT Tokens or other digital products.

Second Quarter of 2023

Summer Olympics of GAME FEDERATION

A major organization will be planned under the name of Game Federation Token Summer Olympics (GFTYO) with participation from many countries. To be held on GAME ARENA in Turkey or any other country to be designated, the Olympics will involve many popular game tournaments with medals and cups as their trophies. This event is planned to be organized by GAME FEDERATION every year traditionally.

Being Listed in a New Cryptocurrency Exchange

GFT Token purchase and sale transactions will be started in a new cryptocurrency exchange.

Broadcasting Platform Exclusive to Players and Mobile App Launch

A mobile app will be introduced as a new generation broadcasting platform where players and all e-sports fans who want to broadcast their gaming performance may enjoy their time with GFT token, besides supporting broadcasters with GFT token. During their gaming performance, players will be able to be rewarded by their supporters and followers, and broadcasters will be able to compete live among themselves. In this regard, this broadcasting software, which will be open to further improvement, will be available for important sponsorships and will host big lotteries at certain times of the year.

Third Quarter of 2023

Announcement on NFT GAME FEDERATION Platform

It will be possible to purchase and sell NFT by using GFT Tokens and a new platform will be launched to generate NFT. NFT rewards will also be added to tournament rewards with the airdrop and different production algorithms to be organized on the platform.

NFT GAME FEDERATION Competition and Airdrop Distribution

Together with the publication of NFT GFT, competition tournaments will be organized with big rewards, and progress payments of Airdrop will be made. Developers who become popular on the platform will be determined over the rating tables and they will be provided with extra rewards each week.

GFT Token Partnership and Sponsorship Announcements

Sponsorship and partnership agreements between GFT Token and big companies and organizations will be announced.

Fourth Quarter of 2023

Publication of New METAGAME FEDERATION ARENA Olympics Metaverse Architecture

METAGAME FEDERATION ARENA, which will offer an amazing experience to its users within the exciting atmosphere of the Metaverse world, will host many events and organizations in metaverse. At the same time, new player forms and images will be designed and supplied in metaverse.

Launch of New METAGAME ARENA (Dubai)

With the launch of the METAGAME ARENA to be held in Dubai, a big event will be organized where many innovations will be announced and popular surprise guests will take place.

2024 and Its Aftermath

In 2024 and its aftermath, we will continue our journey with new projects in the areas of Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain-based security and automation systems, blockchain-based smart vehicle systems and in other areas to be determined according to the technological conditions of the time.

Sponsorship and Agreements




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